Adding in README page to project causes error in pushing new changes

I stumbled upon this from Unable to delete project

I am unable to replicate this error using the steps you have provided.


  • Created a new rails project.
  • Removed the README
  • Initialized a git repo in the project: git init
  • Added, committed and pushed the changes to a remote repo on GitLab.
  • Here I was prompted that ‘The project does not have a README defined. Click here to add a README’.
  • I then added the README from GitLab and committed.
  • Then I pulled the changes to my local machine. Made some small changes, committed and pushed to GitLab.

I know this is a bit late, but if I was able to obtain the output when you git pull or rebase then I would be of more help.

Feel free to reply if you ever encounter this anymore :stuck_out_tongue: