Commit message referencing issue is not mentioned in issue and is not automatically closed

I have a local installation running CE (omnibus package) version 9.2.2 and doing a commit to my default branch with the message “Fixes #1” does not result in the commit being mentioned in the issue, and it is not closed.

What should I be checking here?

If I mention an issue in another issue’s comment section, that is seen on the mentioned issue.

I tried restarting gitlab and also the server.

Thank you for your help!

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Any ideas? Still having this problem.

I have used “fixes #1”, and it works well.

Maybe, it’s case study

Hi everyone
Its working fine for me (my gitlab account) but I am working with dozens of people with Gitlab and noticed the same bug with two accounts ! Anyone got that bug figured out ? There doesnt seem to be anything the user are doing differently, they add #ID in the commit message, but it doesnt appear in the Gitlab issue of the same ID.
So basically Crosslinking Issues from From Commit Messages doesnt work, see doc :
I can be contacted in private if you need to know which account dont work (for them, it never works, not on any project on gitlab !)