Anonymous users unable to list issues in public projects


We use Gitlab 14.10 that we host on our server. Most of projects are public (we use Gitlab as a repository for our free/open source communication software).

A few days ago, we noticed that anonymous (unauthenticated users) are unable to list issues even if they can see the number of issues. They get a “An error occurred while loading issues” error message, for instance Issues · savoirfairelinux / jami-client-android · GitLab

Anonymous users are still able to view an issue if they have the issue’s URL or number, for instance Chatview: update bubbles style (#730) · Issues · savoirfairelinux / jami-client-qt · GitLab

In the project’s configuration the Issues Visibility is set to “Everyone with Access” in the drop-down list.

We use the latest package available for Ubuntu from from

I don’t know if I should open a new issue in the gitlab’s bug tracker.


Check in Admin → Settings → Visibility and scroll down a bit and see if you have something like my screenshot below:


if you have this selected, then irrespective of what other configuration you do in projects, then they cannot see it without authenticating first.

If you don’t have that restricted, then sounds strange to me and the content should work normally.

I did notice viewing the issues page that an error pops up:

You may wish to try:

gitlab-ctl reconfigure
gitlab-ctl restart
systemctl restart gitlab-runsvdir

as it could also be that gitlab isn’t running too nicely, and reconfigure can help when issues are appearing like that. Just make sure you aren’t skipping migrations with the skip-auto-reconfigure file in /etc/gitlab.

Hi, I had the Public checkbox selected in Restricted visibility levels. Unchecking it solved my problem. Thanks a lot!

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