Backup and restore

When i tried the backup restore I got the message below even though the .rb file is updated and the file is in the same path .
[root@server backups]# ls -la
total 106970980
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 42 Jun 22 08:17 .
drwxr-xr-x. 4 root root 41 Jun 22 12:09 …
-rw-------. 1 git git 109538283520 Jun 22 21:39 2021-03-19_gitlab_backup.tar

[root@server backups]# podman exec -it gitlab_ce gitlab-backup restore BACKUP=2021-03-19_gitlab_backup.tar
No backups found in /var/opt/gitlab/backups
Please make sure that file name ends with _gitlab_backup.tar
Error: non zero exit code: 1: OCI runtime error

I then saw on the restore page that the backup data has to be on the same version for it to work?
The current Gitlab is on version 11.4 and the upgrade is on 13.10 (I know there is a newer version already :smile: ) , But is there another way to still continue with the upgrade or Do we have to start all over again and create another clone of 11.4 > Upgrade that one to 12 then 13 and only then the restore will work?