Branch and tag can`t able to delete by API


After upgrading the GitLab to 10.3.5 from 9.3.6 the branch and tag deleting API is not working if it contains / in the name (example release/branch). But it worked older version.

C:\Users\test>curl.exe --request DELETE --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN:token" ""
{"error":"404 Not Found"}
C:\Users\test>curl.exe --request DELETE --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN:token" ""
C:\Users\test>curl.exe --request DELETE --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN:token" ""
{"error":"404 Not Found"}
C:\Users\test>curl.exe --request DELETE --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN:token" ""

In above curl data, I can able to delete the branch testz but test/test throw the error Same in tag also. How to delete these kinda branches by API?