Build a .NETFramework 4.8 project in LINUX/DEBIAN OS

Ask for a solution to build a .net 4.8 framework on debian linux environment in CI/CD gitlab

i’m trying to face up a CI/CD devOps with gitlab installed on Debian 10 Linux os.
All is fine with java application and dotnet CORE application, but with DOTNET framework i have a lot of problem because don’t exist a MSBUILD native for linux and i’m using the XBUILD compiler.
For some application all is fine, for other i take a lot of warnign and error and for DOT.NET 4.8 is impossible to find a way to build.

i’m using command like “xbuild /t:Rebuild nameProjectSolution.sln” in .gitlab-ci.yml script
i’m using follow gitlab version and configuration:

Gitlab 14.4.2-ee
GitLab Shell 13.21.1
GitLab Workhorse v14.4.2
GitLab API v4
Ruby 2.7.4p191
PostgreSQL 12.7
Redis 6.0.16

Do you have some tricks o correct procedure to include this application in my devOps environment?

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same issue for me