"Cannot transition status via :run from :running (Reason(s): Status cannot transition via \"run\")"

I’m getting this error when trying to post “running” status to a job. Posting a “success” status later on works fine. Any ideas what might be the cause and how to resolve it?

Hi @yuliabaron & welcome to the GitLab forum :wave:

Judging from a few internal tickets I found about that same error, a Jenkins system is involved, correct? I found advice to try and configure freestyle jobs. Does that help you move forward?

Thanks, Katrin,
I’m not sure, as I’m the one updating the status to the third party repo, which I have no control over. I’ll check with them. Anyway, the job I cannot update the status for is not a Jenkins job. I would like to understand the reason for this error on the first place. Looking through the forum, I also found similar errors, but not exactly this one.

@yuliabaron wondering if you managed to fix this issue. I’m facing the same issue. Essentially updating the status of a pipeline via an external service.

I have a commit status that’s in a running state and when I update the description it fails. I’m updating the commit status with the same state “running” just that the description is different and I get the same error message as the title of this post. I’m wondering where the “:run” state comes from.

Hi, @katrinleinweber wondering if you might have an idea? Thank you.

My apologies for the late reply, @eyedol! What exactly is the “description” in this context? A string like in this external status checks example?

No problem.

Yeah, the description is a string. A sample value is “Finished building 1/3”

We send something like this:

state = "running"
context = "Build"
target_url = "target_url"
desc = "Finished building 1/3"

gitlab.create_status(state, context, target_url, desc)

We are updating an existing status. Just that we want the description updated only. Most times this works but then it randomly fails with the error message above.

Thanks for your response.

Any updates on this issue? I get the exact same error when trying to create a running status.

{"message":"Cannot transition status via :run from :running (Reason(s): Status cannot transition via \"run\")"}