Can't find Jenkins CI in Integrations

Can’t find Jenkins CI option

Describe your question in as much detail as possible:
While using a Private Repo, I went to Settings, Integration, and there should’ve been an option for ‘Jenkins CI’ between Jetbrain and Irker. I was following along with someone demonstrating it live over zoom, so we ran into a problem. They had a Public Repo.

  • What are you seeing, and how does that differ from what you expect to see?
    Not seeing a ‘Jenkins CI’ option when I should be able to see it.
  • Consider including screenshots, error messages, and/or other helpful visuals

I tried googling thoroughly and saw posts about missing jenkins from 2 years ago, so hopefully this can clear things up. Other people who were following along had the same errors.


public projects get the Gold plan for free, private projects need a subscription. Since the Jenkins CI Integration is in the Starter plan, you can access it in the public project but not the private one.


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