Can't view most commits (500) and very slow

I’m running GitLab 7.9.2 c46d4f5 (Omnibus) on Ubuntu 14.04

On a little over half of our commits when someone navigates to a commit gitlab returns

500 We’re sorry, but something went wrong

Also, on commits that don’t return 500, they take anywhere from 5 to 20 seconds to show the page. I’m watching all of the logs as this is happening, and nothing that stands out as an obvious problem is happening.

When i go to a commit that returns a 500 error, the nginx logs return:

192.168.1.x - - [27/May/2015:09:35:44 -0500] "GET /project/module/commit/6876452e1df1d2846dhd1b2eb7d907e6ae8hf7d5 HTTP/1.1" 500 349 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/41.0.2272.76 Chrome/41.0.2272.76 Safari/537.36"

Something else that’s been happening, that I’m not sure if it’s normal or not is that every 3 to 5 seconds in the nginx logs I get:

192.168.1.y - - [27/May/2015:09:40:06 -0500] "POST //api/v1/builds/register.json HTTP/1.1" 404 27 "-" "-"

192.168.1.y is a gitlab ci runner, and I assumed that the 3-5 seconds of contact was some form of keep alive, but I definitely don’t know.

Any help is appreciated, none of the other logs are showing any errors, or anything odd. I’ve checked unicorn, sidekiq, nginx, and postgresql.

As a side note, I can still access all of the stats that the UI provided via terminal, but I have a lot of users who prefer using the UI.

Edit 1
how has this been flagged as an advertisement?

Edit 2
From the answer below, here’s a link to a very similar problem.

On some of the projects we saw this on, we had some errors in our .gitmodules file (multiple entries for the same repos, and git submodule update --init only seems to pull the last instance of it).

So here was our .gitmodules before where gitlab always 500’d on us:

[submodule “libavstil”]
path = libavstil
url =
[submodule “modules”]
path = modules
url =
[submodule “modules/libavstil”]
path = modules/libavstil
url =
[submodule “modules/bash-utils”]
path = modules/bash-utils
url =
[submodule “modules/avmp_pi_api”]
path = modules/avmp_pi_api
url =

When we fixed it to this:

[submodule “modules/libavstil”]
path = modules/libavstil
url =
[submodule “modules/bash-utils”]
path = modules/bash-utils
url =
[submodule “modules/avmp_pi_api”]
path = modules/avmp_pi_api
url =

We could view the new commits in the browser. However all old commits with the bad .gitmodules file always 500, so there is currently no way to view those commits.

Thanks, it turns out that that is exactly what is happening to our server. Sorry this was flagged as an advertisement. I think an admin is trolling my post.

Sorry about that, it is Discourse’s internal system of flagging spam.

Cool, thanks for letting me know!