Chrome extension to increase team productivity on merge requests

Hi Guys !

I’ve wanted to share with you a chrome extension that we’ve made at work some time ago.
Here is a context for you to understand why we needed this tool.
We are a team of 3-4 developers that work on the same project and sometime we have like 10 or 15 MR waiting in the listing. This is a just a nightmare to check every MR and check if you have something to do, like review it, apply the comments etc.

So I check the gitlab api and they were all the info that we needed to build a tool to help us.

Here is what the extension does on the merge request listing:
1 - Add a color code on each request with 3 color:
red: action needed (review, answer comments, merge MR)
yellow: waiting for other
green: you approved this merge request
2 - Add the number discussions resolve on the total discussions

This help us so much to keep the rythme in each sprint.

Here is the link of the chrome extension:

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