CI CD for ASP.Net MVC Project

I need to do CI CD for my’s MVC project.

  1. My application is committed on, I don’t have my own server. So, I am using
  2. My application is made in ASP.Net MVC
  3. I have checked many websites for this solution. I also looked into the URL “”. But, this URL supports the CI/CD if GIT is installed on Local Server (on-premise) server.
  4. Please let me know the commands for .gitlab-ci.yml file.


Any solutions for this? Have you discovered how to use CI CD for

No, Actually, I did not get chance to further look into it. Please let me know if you got any information.

Hey, I should be able to help with this if you’re still stuck.

Regardless, I would love to chat and find out how you’ve got on. Let me know if we can link up.
