Delete inactive account made by my old employer

Hi people!

I worked at a company in the year 2022 (Rain), and they created an account in my name with the username “fabio.schunig” (with a dot between my first and last name).
The email they used was “”, if I remember correctly!

I resigned in 2022, but the account still exists! So I humbly ask, is there a way to delete this old inactive account?
I no longer have access to the corporate email at, but I can provide information about my identity.

Eventually, I contacted my former employer, but they said the account should be deleted automatically. Unfortunately, it was not.
I would just like this user to be removed.

Any help is appreciated!
Thank you!


In reality, the account belongs to them since it is a corporate username/login/email irrespective of whether it was yours, it is an account provided by them for you to use. Therefore it is up to them on whether they delete the account or not. Only they can delete it or request for it to be deleted.

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Thanks for your contribution.

It’s really sad because, even though the account belongs to them, it’s my personal information that’s being used.

While I was working for them, it was OK. But now that I’m no longer working for them, the use of this information should stop.

They claim that they can’t remove it anymore because it should have been automatically removed along with my corporate account.

Gitlab could have some option to report this kind of abuse.
For example: if I create a fake account with someone’s photo and name, can I use the fake account just because I’m the owner of it? It doesn’t make much sense.

If your photo is there and other personal data, I expect you can give them notice (your old employer) as per GDPR rules they have to action removing your personal details within 30 days. If they do not, then they are in breach of GDPR. I don’t believe that they can no longer delete the account, they can do it at any point even manually if they so wish. The threat of GDPR alone and the fine that they can incur if they do not action your request should ensure your problem gets resolved.