Docker build issue in CI

Hello there,

I have an issue since few days related to GitlabCI and a docker build.
A job that was running fine for months suddenly start to fail because of networking issues. And I can’t figure what is going on.

It was setup based on the official guide in DinD (

# Build docker image and push on gitlab registry
  stage: release
    - docker
  image: docker:stable
    - docker:dind
    DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375
    DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2
    # build
    - docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_JOB_TOKEN $CI_REGISTRY
    - docker build -t $DOCKER_IMG_TAG .
    - docker push $DOCKER_IMG_TAG

And the image by itself is a quite simple and standard ruby website.

But since few days, things happening during the docker-build step seems to have lot of networking issue. I see random error from both apt and bundle:

Retrying download gem from due to error (2/4): Gem::RemoteFetcher::UnknownHostError timed out (
Retrying download gem from due to error (3/4): Gem::RemoteFetcher::UnknownHostError timed out (

The job that was usually taking 2-3 minutes, now take up to 30-40 min and randomly fails. Building the image locally works fine and doesnt show any warning or networking slow down, the issue occurs only in Gitlab-CI (shared-runner).
So there is some connectivity but really slow and degraded.

I originally suspected issue with rubygems or a recent update of docker. But even with older version of both, I still have the same issue on gitlab-ci. Job which were working fine one month ago now fails …

Did anything change recently on gitlab-ci runners which could cause networking issues?

OK I think I found, while writing that post I realized I did not check the base docker image, that could have been updated recently (a standard FROM ruby:2.6)

And indeed a version 2.6.3 was recenly pushed.
I tried to use a previous version: FROM ruby:2.6.1
And suddenly everything seems back on track … /o\