Hello Everyone, really hoping for some help as I’m a bit stumped.
I have a Gitlab-ee instance running in a Docker container setup on an Ubuntu server. The current instance is configured to use Docker volumes for config, logs, and data.
My current running version is 14.7.0, so, of course, I would like to upgrade. After reading through the documentation and countless blog posts, I have settled on the following process, but it doesn’t seem to work.
My process after reading all of the documentation:
Create current snapshot on cloud provider.
Create copy of Docker volume folder(s) for config/logs/data that can be used after upgrade.
Create a backup of GitLab
–docker exec -it gitlab /bin/bash
–mkdir /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-backup
–gitlab-backup create
Copy the backup *.tar file to the Host computer for use after upgrade.
Since I am so many versions behind I am trying to follow the recommended upgrade path as defined by the upgrade path tool.
– Upgrade Path -
Upgrade process steps:
–docker stop gitlab
–docker rm gitlab
–docker image rm gitlab/gitlab-ee:latest
Then I run the docker run command (the $GITLAB_HOME variable recommended in the documentation wasn’t working so I tried a direct path route):
sudo docker run --detach \
--hostname gitlab.example.com \
--publish 443:443 --publish 80:80 --publish 22:22 \
--name gitlab \
--restart always \
--volume /var/gitlab/config:/home/GitLab/config
--volume /var/gitlab/logs:/home/GitLab/logs
--volume /var/gitlab/data:/home/GitLab/data
--shm-size 256m \
After the installation is finished I can access the new GitLab version using the default install root password but none of my configurations or data (Projects, repository, etc) is present. Even though it does exist in the Docker volumes.
I’m clearly missing step(s) somewhere but I don’t understand why GitLab isn’t using the Docker volumes after the install to show the configurations and data.
Thank you in advance for any help.