Downstream artifacts not appearing in Merge Request

I’m using dynamic child pipelines in 14.0.12-ee as described upon Downstream pipelines | GitLab but I’ve come to notice that the artifacts do not surface in the Merge Request.

Any ideas how to bubble them up please?

It could be this issue you are facing: artifacts:expose_as not working with child pipelines (#220998) · Issues · / GitLab · GitLab

I’m not using expose_as, not sure I need to? My child generated pipelines look like:

      - $TF_PROJECT_DIR/tfplan
      - $TF_PROJECT_DIR/.terraform
      - $TF_PROJECT_DIR/.terraform.lock.hcl
      - $PLAN_JSON
      terraform: $PLAN_JSON

So there is no workaround? Read child pipeline artifacts for MR reports (Promoted) (#215725) · Issues · / GitLab · GitLab is a crazy follow up.

Could I not just somehow post back to the MR ref I wonder?

I’m sorry I cannot help you. I am a complete beginner with gitlab and came accross this issue


It sounds like your case is using an artifact generated in a downstream pipeline in the upstream pipeline? If so there’s a known bug impacting the use of needs: for this case and a known workaround until we get the bug resolved.

The other issue you noted is for the case of rolling up results of coverage reports to the MR.

I hope this helps!

-James H, GitLab Product Manager, Verify:Pipeline Execution

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hey @jheimbuck_gl … I’ve looked at Read child pipeline artifacts for MR reports (Promoted) (#215725) · Issues · / GitLab · GitLab and I’m not the wiser in how to get the MRs to show the child pipeline artifacts.

I guess the ticket is not actually fixed, but it’s this one Read child pipeline artifacts for MR reports (&8205) · Epics · · GitLab ? Again with no horizon. Argh… now I regret using child pipelines.

@hendry Sorry for the confusion and frustration!

You are correct Read child pipeline artifacts for MR reports (Promoted) (#215725) · Issues · / GitLab · GitLab was promoted to an epic which contains the issues to pass those artifact:reports up to the parent pipeline and it’s MR Widgets.

It would be possible to get the artifacts through the API from a job in the parent pipeline after the child pipeline is completed and use expose_as to make them available in the Merge Request.

-James H, GitLab Product Manager, Verify:Pipeline Execution