Failed to squash. Should be done manually


In the last week or so, one of our repos keeps getting an error message when attempting to merge a MR “Failed to squash. Should be done manually” and it happens now on every MR even when it is just 2 commits. Never seen this before on any of our projects and it only seems to happen on the 1 project and on ever single MR. An I am the only contributor so master has not changed.

Has anyone else seen this issue and know how to resolve it?



Yes, this is happening to us as well.

Funny enough, the response from their merge endpoint is: {"status":"success"}

The MR will succeed if you uncheck the squash option. Hopefully this get’s fixed or someone finds more out.

I don’t even know who I’m asking for an update on this, but has anything been learned?

I have also experienced this problem when merging MRs that were opened before a lot of line endings were changed in a repository.

I have found that the MRs can be merged after manually rewriting history by:

git checkout <branch>
git reset origin/<branch>
git add .
git commit -m <message>
git push -f

It is not a nice solution, but it works.

We’re having similar issue, it’s being discussed here: Got "Failure to squash" error when trying to merge an MR that had 1 commit (#27046) · Issues · / GitLab · GitLab

I went with the re-writing history approach and manually selected which commits to squash and a new message:

git checkout <branch>
git rebase -i HEAD~3
-> choose which commits to squash and message(s) to edit
-> finalize your commit message(s)
git push -f

Hope this helps until the commit mentioned here gets rolled out: operations: Implement squashing without worktrees (!3657) · Merge requests · / gitaly · GitLab

looks like also this instead of my manually version: rebase - How to squash all git commits into one? - Stack Overflow

(git rebase reference: Git - Rewriting History)

This is happening to us as well.

We had the same issue once last week.

Had this issue happen to me today,

the fix : merge the branch you are trying to merge this branch to in this branch first then you can merge

ELI5: if i want to merge product into dev , but error happens , i merge dev into product first , then i merge product into dev