Forking workflow using gitlab web interface only : how to keep fork repositories updated from official repository of a project ? (like a 'git pull upstream master' command)

@dnsmichi , I’ve read your posts into “Refreshing a fork” topic, and I’ve tried to reproduce the solutions you mentioned. I’ve also read the Gitlab documentation related to “Repository mirroring”.

I still have question to make it running, to keep a fork repository update with a repository (let say, the original official repository from which the fork has been made) using only the web interface of gitlab.

Having forked a project (a repository), I went to Settings > Repository > Mirroring repositories. Then I tried to understand what should be filled.

Question : assuming the repository to mirror is a repository, and assuming the fork is hosted on too, in the URL field, should it be the SSH address or the https address ? And, what should be the password ?

I’ve tried with https URL but I do not know what to put as password. Thank you for your help.