Get the SOURCE name branch in pipeline CICd when I create NEW branch manually

I create NEW branch B from branch A.

In gitlab CICD yaml $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME="B" (TARGET branch, the new branch),
but how-to get the SOURCE name branch (A)


Can you explain, what source branch you need?
$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH is the branch, that you commit → which is why the pipeline is running if not triggered.

See: Predefined CI/CD variables reference | GitLab

To get the upstream branch maybe try git if its possible.

1 Like

$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH will be the target branch: release/0.1.0

we need the source branch, the value feature/component-releasemanagement

That is not possible sadly, since git does not save the source branch.
What you can do is compare the git commit history but its heuristic and therefore not definitive :slight_smile: → if you add commits to the source branch, this algorithm does not work, therefore i would not recommend it.


Maybe using:

git log --oneline --decorate --graph -n 5


  • 0b6b547 (HEAD, origin/release/0.1.52) short_sha2
  • 885b10d (origin/release/0.1.51, origin/feature/component-releasemanagement) short_sha
  • 95f7f80 (origin/release/0.1.50) TEST 2
  • 5676b39 (origin/release/0.1.49) test 1
  • 648c5cc (origin/release/0.1.48) git merge-base FALLA

Current branch release/0.1.52
Source branch: origin/feature/component-releasemanagement

    for branch in $(git branch -r | grep -v '\->'); do
          git merge-base --is-ancestor $branch $CI_COMMIT_SHA && echo "Branch source: $branch"


Branch source: origin/feature/component-releasemanagement
Branch source: origin/release/0.1.35
Branch source: origin/release/0.1.38
Branch source: origin/release/0.1.39
Branch source: origin/release/0.1.42
Branch source: origin/release/0.1.44
Branch source: origin/release/0.1.47
Branch source: origin/release/0.1.48
Branch source: origin/release/0.1.49
Branch source: origin/release/0.1.50
Branch source: origin/release/0.1.51
Branch source: origin/release/0.1.52
        echo "   1) fetch"
        git fetch --all


   1) fetch
   885b10d..0b6b547  feature/component-releasemanagement -> origin/feature/component-releasemanagement


       git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD
       git rev-list HEAD

        git rev-parse HEAD
        git rev-parse --short $CI_COMMIT_SHA
        git rev-parse $CI_COMMIT_SHA

        short_sha=$(git rev-parse --short $CI_COMMIT_SHA)
        echo "Using short SHA: $short_sha"

        git branch --contains $(git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD)

        echo "git branch -r --contains $CI_COMMIT_SHA"
        git branch -r --contains $CI_COMMIT_SHA

        # Lista los commits recientes en el branch actual y encuentra el merge-base
        echo "git log"
        git log --oneline --decorate --graph -n 5
        # Lista los commits recientes en el branch actual
        #git log --oneline
        echo "git rev-parse"
        # Mostrar el commit id más reciente en la rama actual
        git rev-parse HEAD

        echo "script branch"
        for branch in $(git branch -r | grep -v '\->'); do
          git merge-base --is-ancestor $branch $CI_COMMIT_SHA && echo "Branch source: $branch"

        #source_branch=$(git branch --contains $(git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD) | grep -v HEAD | grep -v ${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME} | head -n 1)
        #echo "Branch source: $source_branch"

        echo "revisar el historial de commits "
        git log --oneline --decorate --graph --all

        echo "git reflog show --all"
        git reflog show --all

        # Traer todos los branches remotos
        # git fetch origin
        # git fetch --all
        # git status

        echo "git merge-base origin"
        #git merge-base origin/master $CI_COMMIT_SHA FALLA *********
        #fatal: Not a valid object name origin/main

        echo "   1) fetch"
        git fetch --all
        echo "   2) branch -r"
        git branch -r
        echo "   2) GREP"
        git branch -r | grep 'origin/master'
        echo "   3) git log"
        git log --oneline
        echo "   3) git log"
        git log --pretty=oneline

        echo "   3) GREP $CI_COMMIT_SHA"
        git show $CI_COMMIT_SHA
        git log --oneline | grep $CI_COMMIT_SHA || echo "Commit $CI_COMMIT_SHA not found in log"
        git log --oneline | grep $short_sha || echo "Commit $CI_COMMIT_SHA not found in log"
        #git log --oneline | grep $CI_COMMIT_SHA

If you know the name of the branch, you could also set it in the CI/CD variables. That would not be dynamic at all though :smiley:

ChatGPT gives me:

  stage: find_source_branch
    - git fetch --all
    - for branch in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/heads/); do
        echo "Comparing with $branch";
        git rev-list --left-right --count $branch...HEAD;
      done | sort -n | head -n 1

(not tested!)


Not works :cry:


git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/heads/)
returns NOTHING 

git fetch -all returns:
   66dbdd4..374436f  feature/component-releasemanagement -> origin/feature/component-releasemanagement

git branch returns:
* (HEAD detached at 374436f)

git log returns: (first line)
* 374436f (HEAD, origin/release/0.1.57, origin/feature/component-releasemanagement) git branch1

What is HEAD detached?

Create New branch in Gitlab 
source: feature/component-releasemanagement
target: release/0.1.57

new branch in remote only, not in local?

* 374436f (HEAD, origin/release/0.1.57, origin/feature/component-releasemanagement) git branch1
Has 2 branches: origin/release/0.1.57, origin/feature/component-releasemanagement

differences: remotes/origin/release/0.1.62 and origin/release/0.1.62

git for-each-ref --format='%(upstream:short)' refs/heads/$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH returns nothing

git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u} returns:
error fatal: HEAD does not point to a branch

git Status returns:
HEAD detached at 61c91bb
nothing to commit, working tree clean

git branch -vv returns:
* (HEAD detached at 61c91bb) 61c91bb git branch -vv

git branch returns:
* (HEAD detached at 61c91bb)

git branch -a returns::

* (HEAD detached at 3825c23)

branch local: release/0.1.57 - remote: origin/release/0.1.57

git fetch origin y después git log --oneline --graph --decorate release/0.1.57..origin/release/0.1.57  returns:

fatal: ambiguous argument 'release/0.1.57..origin/release/0.1.57': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:
'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'