Git lfs push with CI_JOB_TOKEN stopped working after upgrading to 15.2.2

After we upgraded gitlb-ce from 15.1.2 to 15.2.2 using helm, our CI pipeline stopped working.

What are you seeing, and how does that differ from what you expect to see?

$ git status | grep -qF -e "nothing to commit" -e "no changes added" || (git commit -m "$CMSG" --allow-empty;git lfs push origin master;git push -v ssh://${CI_PROJECT_PATH}.git master;echo "This job will now fail. This is as expected.";exit 1;)

[162]([master a6ef7e9] Source game update tag-patch

[163]( Authentication error: Authentication required: Access forbidden. Check your access level.

[164]( response: **Access forbidden. Check your access level.**

What version are you on? Are you using self-managed or
Self managed : 15.2.2

Add the CI configuration from .gitlab-ci.yml and other configuration if relevant (e.g. docker-compose.yml)

Non-working code:

`- git config --unset lfs.url`
    - git status
    - export CMSG=$(if [ -f ".git/MERGE_HEAD" ] && git show MERGE_HEAD | grep -qF "release"; then echo "Source game update tag-patch"; else echo "Source game update"; fi)
    - git status | grep -qF -e "nothing to commit" -e "no changes added" || (git commit -m "$CMSG" --allow-empty;git lfs push origin master;git push https://${AUTH_USER}:${AUTH_TOKEN}${CI_PROJECT_PATH}.git master;echo "This job will now fail. This is as expected.";exit 1;)


    #- git config --unset lfs.url
    - git config lfs.url "https://${AUTH_USER}:${AUTH_TOKEN}${CI_PROJECT_PATH}.git/info/lfs"
    - git status
    - export CMSG=$(if [ -f ".git/MERGE_HEAD" ] && git show MERGE_HEAD | grep -qF "release"; then echo "Source game update tag-patch"; else echo "Source game update"; fi)
    - git status | grep -qF -e "nothing to commit" -e "no changes added" || (git commit -m "$CMSG" --allow-empty;git lfs push origin master;git push https://${AUTH_USER}:${AUTH_TOKEN}${CI_PROJECT_PATH}.git master;echo "This job will now fail. This is as expected.";exit 1;)

What troubleshooting steps have you already taken? Can you link to any docs or other resources so we know where you have been?
We tried with deploy keys, still the same problem. Finally, as a work around we ran the pipeline with maintainer access to get it working