Git: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

Found restarting the gitlab runner corrected the problem.

For those using the Docker image gitlab-runner: you need to restart the container, restarting via the CLI itself doesn’t resolve the issue


I found the workaround by adding to config.toml:

environment = [

Need to check tommorow why it still doesn’t work.

Need to be careful setting that. Are you running a custom gitlab runner?

I restarted the EC2 instance and now it works. So silly.

I’m running manager on EC2 in AWS and runners on docker-machine. Just link in documentation:

Restarting docker-machine, gitlab-runner manager and all EC2 doesn’t resolve problems.

I know that I need to be careful setting option to no verify ssl, but it stops our deployments. Need to try on evenings something other or deploy new gitlab-runner-manager and register new runner.

Agreed @patrick-public. Ideally the root CA doesn’t rotate, but reality is that at some point it will. A better solution is needed for sure, and my suggestion is basically just a workaround that could be doc’d & customers notified well in advance of a new root CA being rotated in.

I solved it using runner restart, Here is the link have detailed describe about the iussue.

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