Gitlab-ce maintenance mode

Hello everyone,

I’ve come across information suggesting that maintenance mode is not available/supported in GitLab CE (Community Edition).

Is there an alternative approach to achieve the same result?

*using gitlab-omnibus v.17.0.2


Yes you can use gitlab-ee instead which does have it, EE can be used with the free functionality.

It still requires a Premium or Ultimate subscription according to the documentation in the first link the OP provided.

@iwalker You said so yourself in a reply on the second link the OP provided :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The documentation seems to state that it’s only with a subscription, however if you use Gitlab EE with the registration features enabled, then maintenance mode is available without a subscription. See here: Usage statistics | GitLab and this appeared in Gitlab 16.0. As per the screenshot of the docs below:

Since the post linked was referring to 15.1.5 back in 2022 then that option wasn’t available at that time. Things have changed since then :wink:

I use Gitlab EE with registration features enabled and I don’t have a paid subscription and Maintenance mode is available to me.