GitLab Certified Associate - Errors on pipeline

I’m new to CI/CD.

AutoDevOps pipeline failed test “code_quality” on the exam 2nd step. Just not sure if I’m supposed to troubleshoot or this is a mistake.

Thanks for posting @SudE29537 ! I just reached out to one of our instructional designers on the professional services team who built this training, and either she or I will follow up with more information to answer your question soon.

Hello @SudE29537 We recently had an issue with our demo cloud where we had to increase memory capacity and it was causing some jobs to fail. Can you please try to retry the job and see if you get the same error? If you do, can you please post the URL so I can take a look for you?

I think this is something related. I tried and got this error message on the code_quality: “failed to register layer: Error processing tar file(exit status 1): write /usr/local/python3/lib/python3.7/pydoc_data/pycache/topics.cpython-37.opt-2.pyc: no space left on device”

Here is the link to the project:

Thank you,


Hi @kmarquart did you have the opportunity to take a look at this issue?

Thank you.


Never mind. I tried again and it worked fine.

Thank you!

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Hi @kmarquart,

I moved forward and got the same error on the following step.

The code_quality terminate with error:

failed to register layer: Error processing tar file(exit status 1): write /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/NuGetFallbackFolder/system.runtime.extensions/4.1.0/ref/netstandard1.3/it/System.Runtime.Extensions.xml: no space left on device