Gitlab container registry login trouble

Hi there,
I self-host Gitlab Ultimate for The University of Texas at San Antonio. It is currently at the latest version 13.8.something.
I want to start using the container registry for my DevOps class.
Following the container instructions for myproject on Gitlab, I execute:
docker login <my Gitlab host>:5050
and this returns:
Error response from daemon: Get https://<my Gitlab host>:5050/v2/: Service Unavailable

When I type:
docker login <my Gitlab host>
it returns:
Authenticating with existing credentials... Login Succeeded

but a docker push after that does not work. using port 5050 produces the error:
The push refers to repository [<my Gitlab host>:5050/docrob/myproject] Get https://<my Gitlab host>:5050/v2/: Service Unavailable

and a push without port 5050 produces a bunch of html, essentially saying:
error parsing HTTP 404 response body: invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value: ... more html to follow

I am using Apache to serve up the Gitlab server and I don’t see anything on the server listening to port 5050. Is there supposed to be a server process listening to that port? <my Gitlab host>:5050 is what is in my gitlab.rb config file for the registry URL.

Thank you for any help!

1 Like

Same issue here, did you manage to find a fix?

$ docker push
Using default tag: latest
The push refers to repository []
Get Service Unavailable

I’ve seen this before with own http proxies in front of the GitLab server. @docrob mentions Apache, @azh which one are you using? Could be a header problem or authorization issue. In any case, the exact webserver configuration for accessing the GitLab host will be helpful to analyse further. And the version of GitLab itself.


Was writing all of the server details when it hit me… I should check the firewall. Just needed to allow port 5050 through ufw which was pre installed.
FYI the server was installed through the Linode App Marketplace onto Debian 9 version details below, when updating to the newest version of gitlab (second image) the error changed to:

level=info msg="Error logging in to endpoint, trying next endpoint" error="Get https://[MASKED]/v2/: dial tcp: lookup [MASKED] on no such host

Server version for issues discussed

Updated server version new issue (also solved by the port being allowed through the firewall)