GitLab integration in Delphi

Delphi IDE has support for GIT and SVN.
We have an account at GitLab and I want to integrate GitLab in Delphi.
For this, Delphi needs the git lab executable. Where I can find this executable. I have found it for GitHub (easily) but not for GitLab. I tried to use github.exe but it won’t work. I get: “fatal unable to access…”.
or: “Error Remote repository has not been initialized”

This pretty much appears to be Embarcadero Delphi RAD Studio.

GitLab and GitHub are git repository hosting services. If they have an executable (native client, apps by these services?), it’s not about these programs but about the actual Git console program instead (started by Linus Torvalds).

On Microsoft Windows, to determine where this git program is installed, you can type

where git

into a console window (and confirm with the Enter key). On GNU/Linux, the command which git entered into a terminal would do the same. If the git.exe can be found somewhere in the directories listed in the PATH environment variable or local directory, the path should show up. If not, a fitting git.exe might still be installed somewhere, just Windows can’t find it with the where command (via lookup mechanism and directories configured in the PATH environment variable).

Maybe you can find the installation directory somehow (Start menu, desktop icons, searching in the Explorer?) or install it anew (the git.exe as referenced in your screenshot tends to be located in a $/bin/ subdirectory of the Git installation directory).

The “remote repository has not been initialized” error message can be caused when the path or the subdirectories entered into the “Destination” field of the clone dialog invoked via “File” → “Open from Version Control” → “Git” doesn’t/don’t already exist. It may help to first manually create all the directories that are mentioned in the path. Then the IDE’s Git integration might be able to successfully clone the remote repository into this local path. There might be other reasons that trigger this error message, but this is a scenario that I was able to reproduce and solve this way. The error message is somewhat misleading and not clearly indicating the root cause of the problem.

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