Gitlab Runner Operator to include SSH connection in kubernetes executor

When I “Create Runner” using GitLab Runner operator, it defaults to use executor=kubernetes, how can change it to “executor=ssh” or can I customize config-toml to use runners.ssh?

Old way of using runners.ssh

    user = "user1"
    password = "user1pass"
    host = ""
   identity_file = "/root/.ssh/id_rsa"
   identity_file = "gitlab-gitlab-shell-host-keys" (can I use the ssh key from Gitlab secrets"?  
 name = "gitlab-zos-runner-fddb78bd6-tl85b"
 output_limit = 4096
 request_concurrency = 1
 url = ""
 id = 10
 token = "LEzoVnP4dxEvyggGaYSq"
 token_obtained_at = 2023-05-08T14:27:32Z
 token_expires_at = 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
 tls-ca-file = "/home/gitlab-runner/.gitlab-runner/certs/hostname.crt"
 executor = "kubernetes"
   MaxUploadedArchiveSize = 0
   host = ""
   bearer_token_overwrite_allowed = false
   image = "alpine"
   namespace = "gitlab-express-dev"
   namespace_overwrite_allowed = ""
   node_selector_overwrite_allowed = ""
   helper_image = ""
   poll_timeout = 180
   pod_labels_overwrite_allowed = ""
   service_account_overwrite_allowed = ""
   pod_annotations_overwrite_allowed = ""

       name = "empty-dir"
       mount_path = "/path/to/empty_dir"
       medium = "Memory"