GitLab updated automatic

i have installed Gitlab on my Centos server as per “Omnibus installations”
curl -sS | sudo bash
sudo yum install gitlab-ce

then i notice gitlab server has updated automatic :frowning: . how can i disable automatic update for Gitlab version? Also i find the backup files with different gitlab version
1519862418_2018_03_01_10.5.2_gitlab_backup.tar 1519430435_2018_02_24_10.5.1_gitlab_backup.tar
1519826592_2018_02_28_10.5.2_gitlab_backup.tar 1519346204_2018_02_23_10.4.4_gitlab_backup.tar
1519778204_2018_02_28_10.5.1_gitlab_backup.tar 1519344054_2018_02_23_10.4.4_gitlab_backup.tar
1519776047_2018_02_28_10.5.1_gitlab_backup.tar 1519257662_2018_02_22_10.4.4_gitlab_backup.tar
1519689647_2018_02_27_10.5.1_gitlab_backup.tar 1519171240_2018_02_21_10.4.4_gitlab_backup.tar

I don’t understand. You have the omnibus package installed and after that you run “yum install gitlab-ce”? Then it is expected that yum gets the newest version.
You can run the install with a specific version number (for instance: if you have to revert to a backup and have to run a previous version) you do that with “yum install gitlab-ce-10.x.y”. This will not prevent yum from trying to update gitlab on unless you add a “yum update --disablerepo=gitlab_gitlab-ce”.

Hi bartj,
thnx alot for quick reply. i have installed gitlab 5 months ago by the below commands then i have cronjob to backup gitlab tonight.
curl -sS | sudo bash
yum install gitlab-ce

1 month ago i surprised the gitlab version updated and i had alot of backup files with different Gitlab versio as you see below (10.4.4, 10.5.1, 10.5.2)
1519862418_2018_03_01_10.5.2_gitlab_backup.tar 1519430435_2018_02_24_10.5.1_gitlab_backup.tar
1519826592_2018_02_28_10.5.2_gitlab_backup.tar 1519346204_2018_02_23_10.4.4_gitlab_backup.tar
1519778204_2018_02_28_10.5.1_gitlab_backup.tar 1519344054_2018_02_23_10.4.4_gitlab_backup.tar
1519776047_2018_02_28_10.5.1_gitlab_backup.tar 1519257662_2018_02_22_10.4.4_gitlab_backup.tar
1519689647_2018_02_27_10.5.1_gitlab_backup.tar 1519171240_2018_02_21_10.4.4_gitlab_backup.tar

My Question: how can i stop Gitlab server to update automatically? i mean i want to keep the current version 10.5.2

Note: i didn’t update in my OS .

If you didn’t update your OS, it might get done automatically. Search for yum in /etc/cron* ( “grep -R yum /etc/cron*” and look what’s in the root crontab: crontab -l).
Gitlab doesn’t automatically update as far as I know (I have to update regularly and it isn’t done automatically).
Also, can you show your cronjob for the backups?

Also, I believe it is advised to keep up to date (for features as well as security reasons).

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Hi @Amna,

[…] keep the current version 10.5.2

Please note that with our 13.0 release all 10.x.y releases are out-of-support and -maintenance.

I’m curious about why exactly you want to stay on v10.5.2, but I definitely second @bartj’s advice to keep your instance updated, not just with regard to the patch levels, but also for minor and major releases.

Kind regards!