Gitlab YML - filter on git tags

Hello everyone,

i’m facing a minor problem when using my Gitlab CI/Runner.

Here is my gitlab-ci.yml:

  LC_ALL: "en_US.UTF-8"
  LANG: "en_US.UTF-8"

    - fastlane hockeyApp tag:${CI_COMMIT_TAG} update_pod:true
    - ios
    - xcode
    - tags
    - /^hockey\/.*$/

My goal is to run the ci ONLY by detecting new GIT tags, with a particular regex match (^hockey/.*$).

git tag  has been pushed -> hockey/V3.2B3243 -> launch the CI
git tag has been pushed -> itc/V3.2B3242 -> does NOT launch the CI
git commit has been pushed -> does not launch the CI
git merge/rebase has been pushed -> does not launch the CI

etc etc ...

For now, every GIT tags will launch the CI/runner.

What did i miss ?

PS: to be sure to understand my problem, i want to achieve the same behavior than with CircleCI with GIT tags filtering