Help, delete database gitlabhq_production


I lost the gitlabhq_production database.

my console does not turn on, can I recover the database? without running reconfigure command.

Whoops, something went wrong on our end.

Try refreshing the page, or going back and attempting the action again.

Please contact your GitLab administrator if this problem persists.

try to create the database an 2 tables whit:
CREATE TABLE gitlabhq_production.ci_runners (
token varchar(255) NULL,
created_at DATETIME NULL,
updated_at DATETIME NULL,
description varchar(255) NULL,
contacted_at DATETIME NULL,
active BOOL NULL,
is_shared BOOL NULL,
name varchar(255) NULL,
version varchar(255) NULL,
revision varchar(255) NULL,
platform varchar(255) NULL,
architecture varchar(255) NULL,
run_untagged varchar(255) NULL,
locked varchar(255) NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (contacted_at, is_shared, locked, token)

CREATE TABLE gitlabhq_production.users (
email varchar(255) NULL,
encrypted_password varchar(255) NULL,
reset_password_token varchar(255) NULL,
reset_password_sent_at DATETIME NULL,
remember_created_at DATETIME NULL,
sign_in_count INT (4) NULL,
current_sign_in_at DATETIME NULL,
last_sign_in_at DATETIME NULL,
current_sign_in_ip varchar(255) NULL,
last_sign_in_ip varchar(255) NULL,
created_at DATETIME NULL,
updated_at DATETIME NULL,
name varchar(255) NULL,
admin BOOL NULL,
projects_limit INT (4) NULL,
skype varchar(255) NULL,
linkedin varchar(255) NULL,
twitter varchar(255) NULL,
authentication_token varchar(255) NULL,
bio varchar(255) NULL,
failed_attempts INT (4) NULL,
locked_at DATETIME NULL,
username varchar(255) NULL,
can_create_group BOOL NULL,
can_create_team BOOL NULL,
state varchar(255) NULL,
color_scheme_id INT (4) NULL,
password_expires_at DATETIME NULL,
created_by_id INT (4) NULL,
avatar varchar(255) NULL,
confirmation_token varchar(255) NULL,
confirmed_at DATETIME NULL,
confirmation_sent_at DATETIME NULL,
unconfirmed_email varchar(255) NULL,
hide_no_ssh_key BOOL NULL,
website_url varchar(255) NULL,
last_credential_check_at DATETIME NULL,
notification_email varchar(255) NULL,
hide_no_password BOOL NULL,
password_automatically_set BOOL NULL,
location varchar(255) NULL,
public_email varchar(255) NULL,
encrypted_otp_secret varchar(255) NULL,
encrypted_otp_secret_iv varchar(255) NULL,
encrypted_otp_secret_salt varchar(255) NULL,
otp_required_for_login BOOL NULL,
otp_backup_codes TEXT (16777215) NULL,
dashboard INT (4) NULL,
project_view INT (4) NULL,
consumed_timestep INT (4) NULL,
layout INT (4) NULL,
hide_project_limit BOOL NULL,
unlock_token varchar(255) NULL,
otp_grace_period_started_at DATETIME NULL,
external BOOL NULL,
organization varchar(255) NULL,
incoming_email_token varchar(255) NULL,
ghost BOOL NULL,
require_two_factor_authentication_from_group BOOL NULL,
two_factor_grace_period INT (4) NULL,
last_activity_on DATETIME NULL,
notified_of_own_activity BOOL NULL,
preferred_language varchar(255) NULL,
rss_token varchar(255) NULL,
external_email BOOL NULL,
email_provider varchar(255) NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (admin, authentication_token )

but my console does not turn on.

Thank you
update issue–
I found a backup of the database gitlabhq_production, but it is not updated, now, I do not see my most recent repositories from the console.I keep working…