How to disable some automatic TODOs?


I’m owning many repositories and I’m also declared as an approver of many repositories. This feature is useful. However, everytime someone creates a MR, I get this todo action : xxx set as an approver for yyyyyy. As they just created the MR, it’s not useful… Instead, I wait they move MR to “Ready” and then it’s useful to review, not before. To sum up, we can see this TODO action as a notification everytime someone opens a MR. I’m not sure, but I think I also get this notification someone push a new commit.

How to disable this TODO action spamming my todo list ? I spend my time clicking on “Mark as done” as it’s definitely not useful. It would be great to custom TODO actons in your profile. Many we can already ? I didn’t find it.


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Heya and welcome to Gitlab community,

Have you checked this part of gitlab docs, where you can filter TODO list by a specific type of filter.

Thank you @alhemicar

Yes I did but there is no action corresponding to “set you as an approuver”. I did try all actions but no one list then these todo actions. Moreover, it doesn’t really solve the issue as it still implies to “Mark as done”.

We have the same problem. If you’re configured as part of an “approval rule”, you get tons of todo items for no reason. We essentially cannot use the two features “todo list” and “approval rules” together.