How to recovery initial user installation proccess
*Hi everyone first, thanks for your help, mi issue is about installation process, when finish install proccess, doesn’t create a user root, and in the main page don’t give me a password… I see a video in youtube, i try recovery user an password with gitlab-rails console production and User.where(id:1).first comand, but system response is ->nil: can you help me Please?
many thanks and regards*
can you please shed some more light on the installation process itself? Did you use the omnibus packages, is it CE or EE and which version? How did the installation process look like (in case you still have the terminal logs).
It seems that your instance does not have any user. You can run the following command to count the users:
If this is greater than 0, list them. Something like this (untested):
User.each do |user|
puts "user '#{user.username}': #{user.last_activity_on}"
More Rails commands can be found in this cheatsheet. Beware though, this is operating on an open heart.
Hi Michael thanks for your help,
I unistalled GitLab. but i try to install in two times with diferent versión CE and EE, but i’ve got the same error:
Many thanks.
if the error is the same, please follow along with the rails console tips above to help mitigate the problem.