How to setup CD for real-life middle size software company use

How to setup GitLab CD for central deployment to our on-premise customers

Hello, we are software company and we have approx 10 products and approx 100 customers.
All customers have own on-premise datacenters.
We are responsible to install and update our products.
Customers can have one or all ten products (it is tightly coupled by major version).
Now we use GitLab for git repository and CI. It is working perfectly.

Now we consider to use GitLab CD and Runners for central installing to customers.
But we are very lost in how to do it.

Our requiments is:

  • one can install to customers only released version - somehow we marks artefacts as “OK to install”
  • user with role “install operator” must manually trigger install/update action to new version of product

Can we use GitLab CD/runners for this scenario?