I'm trying to crate a user page but I https doesn't works

Hello. My user in gitlab is ‘calvo.oskar’, followinig this page GitLab Pages domain names, URLs, and base URLs | GitLab I create a proyect: oskar calvo / calvo.oskar.gitlab.io · GitLab and also I have deploy some content, but if I try to see the website https://calvo.oskar.gitlab.io/ I get this message: NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID

I’m not sure if it’s because of the name of user calvo(dot)oskar or there is another problem.


Hi @calvo.oskar
Yes, it’s because your username contains ‘.’. The certificate is only for *.gitlab.io which doesn’t include deeper sub-domains.
You can keep your username, just create a GitLab Group (without ‘.’ in name) and move your project there.