Importing a project to from Trac


I am trying to figure out if it is possible to migrate Tahoe-LAFS project to Tahoe-LAFS currently uses GitHub for git hosting, PR reviews, CI, and the such. Wiki and tickets are in a Trac instance. There’s several years of worth of history in Trac (some of them predating GitHub and GitLab), which we would like to preserve. We’d like to move over everything we have in both GitHub and our Trac instance.

As an initial test, I am working on importing a smaller project. Tahoe-LAFs uses zfec, which has a Trac instance (smaller wiki, fewer tickets) and a GitHub presence (fewer number of commits, issues, and PRs). I am toying with Tracboat, but I am not sure if that is the right tool to migrate a Trac wiki and issues to From Tracboat’s documentation I can’t quite figure out I can migrate a Trac project to, and not a self-hosted GitLab instance.

Does anyone have practical experience with something like this? What advice can you offer? Is there anything better than Tracboat out there?

Thank you in advance!

Just did a quick google with the search phrase “migrate trac to gitlab”, maybe this will help:

I mentioned that I am trying out Tracboat. :slight_smile:

Please correct me if I am wrong, but it doesn’t look like Tracboat can help with migrating tickets and wiki to Tracboat can help with migration if I am self-hosting a GitLab instance – it needs database access.

Ah my bad sorry :slight_smile:

Repository mirror would only take care of your git commited file, but even with gitlab-ce or free account, you can only push, but as you would want to pull from Tahoe, then it would require an EE capable account. But since you want issues, it’s not ideal either. Unfortunately I haven’t any other ideas to be honest, and without DB access it might not be possible to do everything without having your own gitlab instance. But maybe someone from the Gitlab team might be able to provide additional info.

Don’t worry, it was me that wrote the hard-to-parse wall of text! :slight_smile:

I am thinking this route now: I can migrate tickets and wiki from Trac to a self-hosted GitLab instance, and then import the project from my self-hosted GitLab to I am wondering if there’s a better way.

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