Introduction: Vítor E. Silva Souza (@vitorsouza) / UFES, Brazil

Hi everyone, here’s my introduction:

Introduction Ideas

:mortar_board: What’s your Name and GitLab handle?

I’m Vítor E. Silva Souza, @vitorsouza on GitLab.

:mortar_board: Where in the world :earth_americas: are you posting from?

I’m from Brazil, I live in a city called Vitória, in the state of Espírito Santo, along the coastline of Brazil, about 520km north of Rio de Janeiro.

:mortar_board: What institution are you part of? Which department do you work in?

I work at the Department of Computer Science of the Federal University of Espírito Santo.

:mortar_board: Share a bit about how you’re using GitLab (for teaching, research, etc)

Together with some colleagues, we created a Software Engineering Practice Lab in order for students to get in contact with Software Engineering practices used in industry, which sometimes is not easy to do in the context of lectures and courses. We will use a hosted GitLab instance in this context.

:mortar_board: Favorite way to spend your free time?

With family and friends.

:mortar_board: Go-to resources for learning about DevOps?

Didn’t have one, now I’ll check out GitLab’s documentation. :wink:

:mortar_board: Any questions you have for our community?

Not yet. Just thanks for your support!

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