Inventory_policy not well documented and has unexpected behaviour


we’re using the gitlab agent for our gitops needs and many things work really great.
But we had a longer discussion today on how the inventory_policy works.

We experienced something along the lines of:
must_match only works on resources for which it has a corresponding yaml manifest
adopt_if_no_inventory works on resources for which it does not have a corresponding yaml manifest
adopt_all works on resources for which it does not have a corresponding yaml manifest

We would like to have an option similar to adopt_if_no_inventory but only affecting resources with a matching yaml manifest.

This alas is nowhere documented especially not here:

the linked kubernetes resources do not give any further insight either

Are there anywhere more infos to be found?
Can this be clarified in the documentation somehow?

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I ended up here with the exact same question, but there seem to be lukewarm interest in this.