Mattermost token error


When trying into login mattermost i get a “Token Error”. In the mattermost log i get the following line:

{“timestamp”:“2022-02-10 12:38:09.863 +01:00”,“level”:“error”,“msg”:“Unable to save the token.”,“caller”:“web/context.go:105”,“path”:"/oauth/gitlab/login",“request_id”:"*",“ip_addr”:"",“user_id”:"",“method”:“GET”,“err_where”:“CreateOAuthStateToken”,“http_code”:500,“err_details”:“failed to save Token: context deadline exceeded”}

A complete restart of the system solves the problem, but it comes back every 4-5 day.


@nicolajthulin I had some problems as you.
Not sure is it related to Context timeout/deadline not very effective on Exec, Query · Issue #1313 · jackc/pgx · GitHub

I reported the problem to mattermost.