Mysterious CI runner slowness

I don’t understand why my runner is taking minutes to pick up jobs from

What am I running?

# ps -ajxwww | grep gitlab-runner
    1  1402  1402  1402 ?           -1 Ssl      0   0:06 /usr/lib/gitlab-runner/gitlab-runner run --working-directory /home/gitlab-runner --config /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml --service gitlab-runner --syslog --user gitlab-runner

What’s the config?

# grep interval /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml

check_interval = 10

And what’s the problem?

# grep "Checking for jobs" /var/log/syslog
Aug 29 03:09:27 gitlab-ci-dispatch gitlab-runner[1402]: Checking for jobs... received
Aug 29 03:09:27 gitlab-ci-dispatch gitlab-runner[1402]: Checking for jobs... received
Aug 29 03:14:55 gitlab-ci-dispatch gitlab-runner[1402]: Checking for jobs... received
Aug 29 03:14:55 gitlab-ci-dispatch gitlab-runner[1402]: Checking for jobs... received
Aug 29 03:19:34 gitlab-ci-dispatch gitlab-runner[1402]: Checking for jobs... received
Aug 29 03:19:34 gitlab-ci-dispatch gitlab-runner[1402]: Checking for jobs... received
Aug 29 03:24:40 gitlab-ci-dispatch gitlab-runner[1402]: Checking for jobs... received
Aug 29 03:24:40 gitlab-ci-dispatch gitlab-runner[1402]: Checking for jobs... received
Aug 29 03:30:32 gitlab-ci-dispatch gitlab-runner[1402]: Checking for jobs... received
Aug 29 03:30:32 gitlab-ci-dispatch gitlab-runner[1402]: Checking for jobs... received
Aug 29 03:36:49 gitlab-ci-dispatch gitlab-runner[1402]: Checking for jobs... received
Aug 29 03:36:49 gitlab-ci-dispatch gitlab-runner[1402]: Checking for jobs... received

I have ~40 workers configured, and based on the documentation I was expecting I’d end up with checks going too often (4 per second) rather than waaaay too infrequently. What’s the deal here?

Hi, @airbornemint

I have the similar issue:

have you fix the issue?

Same issue ?