No Active Tags in Container Registry

Pushing containers to container registry in GitLab has been failing as of today with the following error:

The push refers to repository []
Get net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting        headers)

Trying to browse the container registry through the GitLab website has also been problematic. When clicking on our container to look at the tags it loads for a very long time, about a minute, and shows the following message:


We previously had multiple tags so it’s not clear why they are all of a sudden gone.

We are on the GitLab free plan.

Hey @jvasilkoski, welcome to the GitLab Community Forum! :tada:

Unfortunately, we are experiencing issues with the registry on at the moment and its likely this is related to that. Our status page has more information and will contain the updates we make towards resolving the situation.

As that issue references, our infrastructure team is working the incident out of this issue if you’d like more information.


Thank you Tristan, I discovered the status page after submitting this post. Seems like the issue has been resolved as of 10 minutes ago or so.

Thanks for your help.


@jvasilkoski You’re most welcome, yeah we are seeing improvements as of the time of this writing but we’ll be monitoring the situation for a while to make sure we don’t see a recurrence of the issue.