On SSH push customer SSO?

Hi guys, new here. I’m using SSH auth against git@ urls, and for the first time today I got a very strange notification while doing a git push:

**Notice:** By authenticating via SSO with an account tied
to an Enterprise e-mail address, it is understood that this account
is an Enterprise User. To ensure no loss of personal content, an
Individual User should create a separate account under their own
personal email address, not tied to the Enterprise email domain or
name-space. Please contact email@domain.com with any questions.

I’d send this direct to tech support but I am 100% certain I am not authenticating this way. Has anyone else seen this?

I also got this about 3-4 minutes ago. I was pushing an update to a project, using ssh key authentication:

$ git push
Enumerating objects: 25, done.
Counting objects: 100% (25/25), done.
Delta compression using up to 16 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done.
Writing objects: 100% (15/15), 1.69 KiB | 1.69 MiB/s, done.
Total 15 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: ========================================================================
remote:   **Notice:** By authenticating via SSO with an account tied
remote:   to an Enterprise e-mail address, it is understood that this account
remote:     is an Enterprise User. To ensure no loss of personal content, an
remote:     Individual User should create a separate account under their own
remote:    personal email address, not tied to the Enterprise email domain or
remote:   name-space. Please contact email@domain.com with any questions.
remote: ========================================================================
To gitlab.com:daboross/dotfiles.git
   bf2dcfc..00ae9b1  master -> master

Pushing to the same project again did not reproduce the message.

There are 14 upvotes to a new stackoverflow question mentioning this, so I assume we’re not alone in the confusion.


Yes, I received the same message and came here to see why.

I also had the same thing (created at the same time). So my original thread is a duplicate.

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Same as well (original thread).

This is mildly disturbing Gitlab…

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So apparently it’s been fixed, but that’s pretty bad that something like that made it all the way to Production.

What’s going on over there Gitlab?

I feel better. Misery loves company? :slight_smile:

Our team has seen this as well and would like an explanation as to why this happened. Without context it’s quite an alarming notice TBH.

To perhaps add a time to the event in a bid to help debug, we saw ours happen roughly around 2020-10-27 at 4:30 p.m. this is Pacific Time.

Hey everyone, GitLab team member here.

Earlier today, a banner intended for a subset of users was enabled on GitLab.com. Due to a bug, this banner was displayed to anyone who pushed code through the command line to GitLab.com. The issue was quickly resolved and the banner was removed.

The banner message was cosmetic only, published by GitLab, limited to the Git push and did not affect or share any repository or user data.


Note: some of the contents of this post were edited to protect the privacy of GitLab’s users.