Page keeps 302 redirection after wrong configuration, reverted since

Page keeps 302 redirection after wrong configuration, reverted since

I recently launched my personal website on Gitlab Pages, using NextJS framework with static export. Everything works fine, but after a test I made on NextJS configuration to manage redirections, one of my pages keeps 302 redirection, even after reverting those changes.

To reproduce, you can directly go to : you are redirected (302) to which ends with 404…
Strangely, if I want to access to this page from my [website’s] navigation ( (click on menu on top right, then “blog”) there is no problem.

Those changes I made (and reverted since) was to prevent 404 when user try to access to instead of (!). I created a redirect rule on my next.config.js (see here for docs). Didn’t work, so I reverted, but since then I have this 302 (then 404) on this particular page…

I’m not an expert, but I guess there is a cache or something equivalent on my Gitlab Page? If true, then how could I fix that? The problem persists since a week now, so I guess it won’t disappear by its own… :frowning: Maybe I would have to destroy my Page, then recreate it?

Thank you in advance for you help! :slightly_smiling_face: