Podman gitlab-ce installation fails waiting on postgresql

Running gitlab-ce:latest docker image on CentOS 8 host (selinux enabled) with podman. Installation fails as the gitlabhq_production database can not be created.

Anyone has any hints on how to tackle this matter?

Podman config:

podman run \
–privileged \
–name git \
–hostname git.mydomain.com \
–detach \
–publish 8443:443 --publish 8080:80 --publish 2222:22 \
-v /app/git/config:/etc/gitlab \
-v /app/git/logs:/var/log/gitlab \
-v /app/git/data:/var/opt/gitlab \
–restart always \

Podman logs:

  • execute[/opt/gitlab/bin/gitlab-ctl start postgresql] action run
    [execute] ok: run: postgresql: (pid 496) 2s
    • execute /opt/gitlab/bin/gitlab-ctl start postgresql
  • database_objects[postgresql] action create
    • postgresql_user[gitlab] action create

      • execute[create gitlab postgresql user] action run

        Error executing action run on resource ‘execute[create gitlab postgresql user]’


        Exhausted service checks and database is still not available

        Cookbook Trace:

        /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/gitlab/libraries/helpers/pg_status_helper.rb:56:in ready?' /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/gitlab/libraries/helpers/base_pg_helper.rb:28:in is_ready?’
        /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/postgresql/resources/user.rb:14:in `block (3 levels) in class_from_file’

        Resource Declaration:

        In /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/postgresql/resources/user.rb

        11: execute “create #{new_resource.username} postgresql user” do
        12: command %(/opt/gitlab/bin/#{new_resource.helper.service_cmd} -d template1 -c “#{query}”)
        13: user account_helper.postgresql_user
        14: only_if { new_resource.helper.is_running? && new_resource.helper.is_ready? }
        15: not_if { new_resource.helper.is_offline_or_readonly? || new_resource.helper.user_exists?(new_resource.username) }
        16: end

        Compiled Resource:

        Declared in /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/postgresql/resources/user.rb:11:in `block in class_from_file’

        execute(“create gitlab postgresql user”) do
        action [:run]
        default_guard_interpreter :execute
        command “/opt/gitlab/bin/gitlab-psql -d template1 -c "CREATE USER \"gitlab\""”
        backup 5
        declared_type :execute
        cookbook_name “postgresql”
        domain nil
        user “gitlab-psql”
        not_if { #code block }
        only_if { #code block }

        System Info:

        ruby=ruby 2.7.2p137 (2020-10-01 revision 5445e04352) [x86_64-linux]

      Error executing action create on resource ‘postgresql_user[gitlab]’


      execute[create gitlab postgresql user] (/opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/postgresql/resources/user.rb line 11) had an error: RuntimeError: Exhausted service checks and database is still not available

      Cookbook Trace:

      /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/gitlab/libraries/helpers/pg_status_helper.rb:56:in ready?' /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/gitlab/libraries/helpers/base_pg_helper.rb:28:in is_ready?’
      /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/postgresql/resources/user.rb:14:in `block (3 levels) in class_from_file’

      Resource Declaration:

      In /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/gitlab/resources/database_objects.rb

      19: postgresql_user gitlab_sql_user do
      20: password “md5#{gitlab_sql_user_password}” unless gitlab_sql_user_password.nil?
      21: action :create
      22: end

      Compiled Resource:

      Declared in /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/gitlab/resources/database_objects.rb:19:in `block in class_from_file’

      postgresql_user(“gitlab”) do
      action [:create]
      default_guard_interpreter :default
      declared_type :postgresql_user
      cookbook_name “postgresql”

Postgresql log file:

2021-08-09_11:32:19.32372 LOG: starting PostgreSQL 12.6 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) 9.3.0, 64-bit
2021-08-09_11:32:19.32381 LOG: listening on Unix socket “/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432”
2021-08-09_11:32:20.86676 LOG: database system was shut down at 2021-08-09 11:29:44 GMT
2021-08-09_11:32:21.13441 FATAL: the database system is starting up
2021-08-09_11:32:21.53161 LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
2021-08-09_11:32:26.24313 LOG: no match in usermap “gitlab” for user “gitlab” authenticated as “root”
2021-08-09_11:32:26.26678 FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user “gitlab”
2021-08-09_11:32:26.26680 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 70: “local all all peer map=gitlab”
2021-08-09_11:32:29.67699 LOG: no match in usermap “gitlab” for user “gitlab” authenticated as “root”
2021-08-09_11:32:29.67700 FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user “gitlab”
2021-08-09_11:32:29.67701 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 70: “local all all peer map=gitlab”
2021-08-09_11:32:30.19510 LOG: no match in usermap “gitlab” for user “gitlab” authenticated as “root”
2021-08-09_11:32:30.19511 FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user “gitlab”
2021-08-09_11:32:30.19511 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 70: “local all all peer map=gitlab”
2021-08-09_11:33:46.89575 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_11:33:46.91800 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_11:33:57.90471 LOG: process 828 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.112 ms
2021-08-09_11:33:57.93803 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 827. Wait queue: 828.
2021-08-09_11:34:58.26181 LOG: process 837 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.073 ms
2021-08-09_11:34:58.28683 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 827. Wait queue: 828, 837.
2021-08-09_11:35:10.49493 LOG: process 837 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 17233.083 ms
2021-08-09_11:35:10.51708 LOG: process 828 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 77590.299 ms
2021-08-09_11:35:21.62663 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_11:35:21.62665 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_11:35:58.14984 LOG: process 854 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.085 ms
2021-08-09_11:35:58.18670 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 853. Wait queue: 854.
2021-08-09_11:36:47.65039 LOG: process 854 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 54500.615 ms
2021-08-09_11:37:02.16829 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_11:37:02.16831 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_11:37:58.01237 LOG: process 882 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.078 ms
2021-08-09_11:37:58.03623 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 872. Wait queue: 882.
2021-08-09_11:38:29.22552 LOG: process 882 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 36213.216 ms
2021-08-09_11:38:41.13583 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_11:38:41.13585 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_11:38:58.04718 LOG: process 899 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.107 ms
2021-08-09_11:38:58.08421 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 898. Wait queue: 899.
2021-08-09_11:39:58.01066 LOG: process 908 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.093 ms
2021-08-09_11:39:58.05069 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 898. Wait queue: 899, 908.
2021-08-09_11:40:06.81164 LOG: process 908 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 13801.087 ms
2021-08-09_11:40:06.84371 LOG: process 899 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 73764.442 ms
2021-08-09_11:40:18.54130 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_11:40:18.56682 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_11:40:58.25356 LOG: process 926 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.132 ms
2021-08-09_11:40:58.29262 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 924. Wait queue: 926.
2021-08-09_11:41:48.18352 LOG: process 926 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 54930.101 ms
2021-08-09_11:42:00.63244 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_11:42:00.63246 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_11:42:58.10808 LOG: process 1359 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.112 ms
2021-08-09_11:42:58.10811 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 1109. Wait queue: 1359.
2021-08-09_11:43:25.73143 LOG: process 1359 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 32623.468 ms
2021-08-09_11:43:37.72498 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_11:43:37.72500 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_11:43:58.22300 LOG: process 1671 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.084 ms
2021-08-09_11:43:58.22301 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 1610. Wait queue: 1671.
2021-08-09_11:44:58.29986 LOG: process 1975 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.084 ms
2021-08-09_11:44:58.29987 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 1610. Wait queue: 1671, 1975.
2021-08-09_11:45:02.40817 LOG: process 1671 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 69185.156 ms
2021-08-09_11:45:02.40820 LOG: process 1975 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 9108.328 ms
2021-08-09_11:45:14.35639 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_11:45:14.39316 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_11:45:58.22673 LOG: process 2282 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.122 ms
2021-08-09_11:45:58.24880 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 2098. Wait queue: 2282.
2021-08-09_11:46:36.67536 LOG: process 2282 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 43448.660 ms
2021-08-09_11:46:48.66642 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_11:46:48.66644 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_11:46:58.34490 LOG: process 2594 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.087 ms
2021-08-09_11:46:58.36865 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 2583. Wait queue: 2594.
2021-08-09_11:47:58.19825 LOG: process 2919 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.085 ms
2021-08-09_11:47:58.23527 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 2583. Wait queue: 2594, 2919.
2021-08-09_11:48:13.31986 LOG: process 2919 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 20121.461 ms
2021-08-09_11:48:13.35392 LOG: process 2594 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 79974.941 ms
2021-08-09_11:48:25.71398 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_11:48:25.75030 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_11:48:58.41684 LOG: process 3226 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.184 ms
2021-08-09_11:48:58.41686 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 3105. Wait queue: 3226.
2021-08-09_11:49:51.28087 LOG: process 3226 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 57863.925 ms
2021-08-09_11:50:01.76639 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_11:50:01.76641 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_11:50:58.21621 LOG: process 3842 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.124 ms
2021-08-09_11:50:58.21622 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 3593. Wait queue: 3842.
2021-08-09_11:51:26.39415 LOG: process 3842 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 33178.040 ms
2021-08-09_11:51:37.45944 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_11:51:37.45945 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_11:51:58.19440 LOG: process 4149 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.090 ms
2021-08-09_11:51:58.19441 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 4088. Wait queue: 4149.
2021-08-09_11:52:58.46375 LOG: process 4454 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.124 ms
2021-08-09_11:52:58.46377 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 4088. Wait queue: 4149, 4454.
2021-08-09_11:53:02.71418 LOG: process 4454 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 9250.509 ms
2021-08-09_11:53:02.71420 LOG: process 4149 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 69519.867 ms
2021-08-09_11:53:13.61612 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_11:53:13.61613 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_11:53:58.24728 LOG: process 4766 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.133 ms
2021-08-09_11:53:58.24730 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 4577. Wait queue: 4766.
2021-08-09_11:54:33.31987 LOG: process 4766 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 40072.733 ms
2021-08-09_11:54:44.22045 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_11:54:44.22048 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_11:54:58.29333 LOG: process 5074 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.119 ms
2021-08-09_11:54:58.29336 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 5043. Wait queue: 5074.
2021-08-09_11:55:58.78360 LOG: process 5384 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.135 ms
2021-08-09_11:55:58.78362 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 5043. Wait queue: 5074, 5384.
2021-08-09_11:56:08.12666 LOG: process 5074 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 74833.469 ms
2021-08-09_11:56:08.12668 LOG: process 5384 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 14343.195 ms
2021-08-09_11:56:19.84062 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_11:56:19.84063 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_11:56:58.37144 LOG: process 5691 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.186 ms
2021-08-09_11:56:58.37147 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 5532. Wait queue: 5691.
2021-08-09_11:57:38.86455 LOG: process 5691 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 45493.327 ms
2021-08-09_11:57:49.55990 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_11:57:49.55991 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_11:57:58.36109 LOG: process 5999 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.136 ms
2021-08-09_11:57:58.36111 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 5998. Wait queue: 5999.
2021-08-09_11:58:58.36204 LOG: process 6304 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.153 ms
2021-08-09_11:58:58.36205 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 5998. Wait queue: 5999, 6304.
2021-08-09_11:59:13.01429 LOG: process 5999 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 79653.330 ms
2021-08-09_11:59:13.05406 LOG: process 6304 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 19652.404 ms
2021-08-09_11:59:24.08507 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_11:59:24.10662 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_11:59:58.60186 LOG: process 6616 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.105 ms
2021-08-09_11:59:58.62425 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 6478. Wait queue: 6616.
2021-08-09_12:00:42.02746 LOG: process 6616 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 48425.683 ms
2021-08-09_12:00:53.31158 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_12:00:53.33361 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_12:01:58.54959 LOG: process 7228 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.109 ms
2021-08-09_12:01:58.57337 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 6943. Wait queue: 7228.
2021-08-09_12:02:18.98539 LOG: process 7228 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 25435.860 ms
2021-08-09_12:02:30.35303 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_12:02:30.37455 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_12:02:58.75162 LOG: process 7540 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.122 ms
2021-08-09_12:02:58.79478 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 7432. Wait queue: 7540.
2021-08-09_12:03:48.77536 LOG: process 7540 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 55023.820 ms
2021-08-09_12:04:00.21264 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_12:04:00.25652 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_12:04:58.62035 LOG: process 8151 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.064 ms
2021-08-09_12:04:58.64373 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 7902. Wait queue: 8151.
2021-08-09_12:05:27.74547 LOG: process 8151 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 34125.168 ms
2021-08-09_12:05:39.68560 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_12:05:39.70577 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_12:05:58.58680 LOG: process 8464 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.207 ms
2021-08-09_12:05:58.62532 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 8413. Wait queue: 8464.
2021-08-09_12:06:58.60292 LOG: process 8768 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.095 ms
2021-08-09_12:06:58.64091 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 8413. Wait queue: 8464, 8768.
2021-08-09_12:07:03.47211 LOG: process 8464 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 69885.506 ms
2021-08-09_12:07:03.49437 LOG: process 8768 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 9869.365 ms
2021-08-09_12:07:14.88438 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_12:07:14.91850 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_12:07:58.86901 LOG: process 9080 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.076 ms
2021-08-09_12:07:58.90391 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 8891. Wait queue: 9080.
2021-08-09_12:08:34.64798 LOG: process 9080 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 40779.040 ms
2021-08-09_12:08:46.22173 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_12:08:46.22175 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_12:08:58.60608 LOG: process 9388 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.137 ms
2021-08-09_12:08:58.60609 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 9367. Wait queue: 9388.
2021-08-09_12:09:58.82245 LOG: process 9692 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.131 ms
2021-08-09_12:09:58.82247 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 9367. Wait queue: 9388, 9692.
2021-08-09_12:10:10.98082 LOG: process 9388 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 77374.846 ms
2021-08-09_12:10:11.00396 LOG: process 9692 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 17158.494 ms
2021-08-09_12:10:22.92399 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_12:10:22.95650 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_12:10:58.89586 LOG: process 10005 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.093 ms
2021-08-09_12:10:58.91781 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 9856. Wait queue: 10005.
2021-08-09_12:11:47.91185 LOG: process 10005 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 54016.039 ms
2021-08-09_12:12:00.14710 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_12:12:00.18749 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_12:12:58.68192 LOG: process 10617 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.109 ms
2021-08-09_12:12:58.72053 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 10358. Wait queue: 10617.
2021-08-09_12:13:23.00031 LOG: process 10617 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 29318.483 ms
2021-08-09_12:13:34.29933 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_12:13:34.29936 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_12:13:58.71648 LOG: process 10929 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.130 ms
2021-08-09_12:13:58.71649 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 10841. Wait queue: 10929.
2021-08-09_12:14:55.44260 LOG: process 10929 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 61726.160 ms
2021-08-09_12:15:10.26315 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_12:15:10.26316 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_12:15:59.01926 LOG: process 11540 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.119 ms
2021-08-09_12:15:59.06444 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 11331. Wait queue: 11540.
2021-08-09_12:16:13.48426 LOG: process 11540 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 19465.103 ms
2021-08-09_12:16:32.66691 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_12:16:32.76199 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_12:16:58.94804 LOG: process 11852 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.094 ms
2021-08-09_12:16:58.96879 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 11754. Wait queue: 11852.
2021-08-09_12:17:54.18195 LOG: process 11852 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 60234.019 ms
2021-08-09_12:18:05.79521 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_12:18:05.79522 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_12:18:59.05198 LOG: process 12463 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.121 ms
2021-08-09_12:18:59.08253 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 12234. Wait queue: 12463.
2021-08-09_12:19:09.39675 LOG: process 12463 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 15344.805 ms
2021-08-09_12:19:29.92717 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_12:19:29.95161 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_12:19:58.78761 LOG: process 12775 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 5000.090 ms
2021-08-09_12:19:58.82139 DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 12662. Wait queue: 12775.
2021-08-09_12:20:47.01196 LOG: process 12775 acquired RowExclusiveLock on object 1 of class 1262 of database 0 after 53224.413 ms
2021-08-09_12:20:59.65745 ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
2021-08-09_12:20:59.67821 STATEMENT: CREATE DATABASE gitlabhq_production OWNER gitlab;
2021-08-09_12:21:21.25247 FATAL: database “gitlabhq_production” does not exist
2021-08-09_12:21:21.81138 FATAL: database “gitlabhq_production” does not exist
2021-08-09_12:21:22.49042 FATAL: database “gitlabhq_production” does not exist
2021-08-09_12:21:22.67703 FATAL: database “gitlabhq_production” does not exist
2021-08-09_12:21:23.77041 FATAL: database “gitlabhq_production” does not exist
2021-08-09_12:21:23.85228 FATAL: database “gitlabhq_production” does not exist
2021-08-09_12:21:24.34315 FATAL: database “gitlabhq_production” does not exist
2021-08-09_12:21:25.68720 FATAL: database “gitlabhq_production” does not exist
2021-08-09_12:21:25.68928 FATAL: database “gitlabhq_production” does not exist
2021-08-09_12:21:25.72584 FATAL: database “gitlabhq_production” does not exist
2021-08-09_12:21:25.72823 FATAL: database “gitlabhq_production” does not exist
2021-08-09_12:21:25.81363 FATAL: database “gitlabhq_production” does not exist
2021-08-09_12:21:26.61297 FATAL: database “gitlabhq_production” does not exist
2021-08-09_12:21:27.11415 FATAL: database “gitlabhq_production” does not exist
2021-08-09_12:21:27.20993 FATAL: database “gitlabhq_production” does not exist
2021-08-09_12:21:27.25081 FATAL: database “gitlabhq_production” does not exist
2021-08-09_12:21:28.05838 FATAL: database “gitlabhq_production” does not exist


I haven’t tried Podman yet. Looks a bit like resources exhausted and the PostgreSQL service not coming up. Does the container work with Docker in your setup?
