Prevent hyperlink for generated badges in markdown

I’m generating badges for my readme file and some other external status pages in one of my pipelines. The amount of badges is only calculated at pipeline run-time and I don’t want to update the readme file every run. My first try was to generate a full HTML file with all the badges and include the artifact with an iframe, which I didn’t manage to show up in the readme. Now I managed to stack all badges (SVG) into one file with embedded hyperlinks to the relevant hosts. In the browser the file shows well (sample file) and hyperlinks work but as Gitlab auto-generates one hyperlink around the inserted image file, this link covers the embedded links.

I saw README Markdown Images - Prevent Link and some other related issues on StackOverflow like Is it possible to disable the automatic linking of images in github markdown rendering? - Stack Overflow. None of them is working in my use case. Maybe I’m just thinking too much into one direction here. Any ideas? I would really appreciate any help.
I work on a self-hosted platform under the ultimate plan if this is of any relevance.

Hi, if you have an Ultimate plan, then you have a subscription which means you get priority support from Gitlab directly here:

Would be better to open a ticket and get official support response.

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Thank you for your suggestion. Apparently we are on an academic license, which doesn’t cover support. So maybe again the question. Any other ideas or recommendations?