Pulling docker image gitlab/gitlab-runner-helper:x86_64-003fe500 times out

Hi guys, first post for me :slight_smile:

I am using AutoDevOPs/Gitlab CI and it was all peachy and then today it started hanging while building.

FROM node:8-alpine
RUN mkdir -p /app
COPY . /app
RUN ./docker_build.sh
CMD [“npm”, “start”]

Pulling docker image gitlab/gitlab-runner-helper:x86_64-003fe500 …
135 ERROR: Job failed: execution took longer than 1h0m0s seconds

I am using a shared runner: shared-runners-manager-4.gitlab.com (#44949)

Any ideas?

Hey @Phrensoua, welcome to the forum.

Based on the fact that you’re getting a timeout I believe what you’re encountering is related to a couple of existing issues following the release of a new version of dind :

Pinning the version to docker:19.03.5-dind in your .gitlab-ci.yml should get you back up and running. See the following for details.

I love communities! Thanks @Tristan so much for your referral links. Worked like charm!

Have a great day.