[Question] Artifact patterns?

To have a bash double-star (globstar) pattern traverse into sub-directories, the slash character is required.

Specify your paths with a **/*.extension format, allowing ** to match sub-directories and *.extension to match a specific type of file found:

.unity_long_artifacts: &unity_long_artifacts
    name: "${CI_JOB_NAME}-${CI_PIPELINE_ID}"
    expire_in: 2 days
    when: always
      - "**/*.log"
      - "**/*.apk"
      - "**/*.aab"
      - "**/*.ipa"
      - "**/*.dsym"

P.s. Looking deeper, GitLab Runner doesn’t exactly use a bash shell underneath when doing the matches. It uses Go and the doublestar library to glob-match the filesystem paths. Here’s a test in Go Playground exercising what works and does not.