"Registering a shared Runner" problem

In https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/runners/ , it said " Grab the shared-Runner token on the admin/runners page". But where is admin/runners page?

Go to a project, in the left menu bar under Settings go to CI/CD, then expand Runners.

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thanks, but the screen is not same as the one in https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/runners/

Hi @quantrpeter. Good question!

The documentation there, and reference to admin/runners is for
runners shared at the instance level. This only applies to self-managed/self-hosted GitLab instances, not GitLab.com
For GitLab.com, you can share runners at the project level or group level, not the instance level. Otherwise, all of GitLab.com could use the runner that you “share”
On a self-hosted installation of GitLab, the admin/runners page is found at https://<external_url>/admin/runners

Dear Sir, thanks for your answer. I already have a gitlab-runner running in my linux, how can i hook it to one more project? In the tutorial, i only see register a new runner.

Hi @quantrpeter,

For each project you’ll need to register a “new” runner, meaning add a runner that is new to the project. You do not need to create a new gitlab-runner instance. A single gitlab-runner can be registered as a “new” runner for multiple projects.

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