[SOLVED] GitLab CI 5.4 - can't get past welcome screen

I upgraded to the new version of GitLab CI. I’m running the GitLab 7.7 as well. I added gitlab ci to the System OAuth applications with the callback url of http://ci.example.com/user_sessions/callback. I then updated the gitlab ci configuration with the provided app id and secret. I then restarted the gitlab_ci service. I’m stumped on what else to do.

I discovered my issue - the new version of GitLab CI changed the URL block -

Used to be

defaults: &defaults
   'https://gitlab.example.com/' #

I had updated it to

defaults: &defaults
    url: 'https://gitlab.example.com/' # Replace with your gitlab server url
    app_id: ''
    app_secret: ''

instead of

defaults: &defaults
    url: 'https://gitlab.example.com/' # Replace with your gitlab server url
    app_id: ''
    app_secret: ''

What file do you modify to update this? I have my client and secret but I’m not sure where to find this GitLab CI config file

If you are using the package, see https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab/blob/master/doc/update.md#updating-from-gitlab-ci-version-prior-to-5-4-0-to-the-latest-version

Thank you. I ended up finding those instructions.