Sort pacakges in a GraphQL query does not work: unknown argument 'sort' on field 'Project.packages'

GitLab version 13.10
Client Python GQL package

Hello everyone,

I encounter an issue when querying the sorted list of packages stored on a specific project through GitLab GraqphQL API.

The following query fails:

query {
    project(fullPath: "<my-project-name>") {
        packages(sort: created_asc) {
            nodes {

I get an error message saying that argument sort is not defined on field Project.packages. Yet, according to field Project.packages documentation, argument sort does exist.

Has anyone a hint on this ?


PS Similar queries on other arguments work otherwise perfectly well, e.g.:

query {
    project(fullPath: "<my-project-name>") {
        mergeRequests(sort: created_asc) {
            nodes {