Unable to click Merge button for Merge Requests, and crond is down

I believe strongly that the changes I’ve made here have assisted the Merge button issues I’ve had with GitLab. I’ve have yet to have the Checking if merge request can be merged… message reappearing. I don’t want to call this issue as resolved yet, still want to keep observing for it right now.

Seriously, no issues with anyone Pushing, Creating Merge Requests, or Pulling to/from GitLab. You can also click on any of our large Commits and not receive a 500 error as was happening before. Looks to me the majority of my GitLab issues were related to Puma and Gitaly not having enough resources put behind them, and by default GitLab limits you unless you edit gitlab.rb.

Moving forward, I do think there should be easier ways to put more processing power behind different tools in GitLab, and perhaps better suggestions in the Logs.