Unable to pull lfs objects as project/group owner

Hey team,

So we’ve got a number of repos in Gitlab that were migrated across from BitBucket a short while ago. I’m working from WSL2 on Windows in VSCode as the IDE, with docker containers but pulling down content outside of the containers. Some of these repos have lfs configured but I’m running into an issue where I can’t pull the lfs objects which I should be able to.

I’ve confirmed the objects definitely exist in lfs in the repo

I’m currently the owner of the project and the repos in question (but not the creator).

LFS has been enabled at the project level and the repo level

I’ve searched the forums and gone through any gitlab documentation I can access but can’t figure out what’s going on. I’ve tried project specific deploy tokens to get access and anything under the sun but to no avail. Any help would be appreciated.