Unable to start trial, getting a 500 error

Hello, I am trying to start a trial after logging into my account on Gitlab.com. I am currently on the free plan. After clicking on the Start Trial button in the banner I get a 500 error asking me to refresh the page, which doesn’t resolve the issue. See screenshots.

Anyone? Thanks for the help.

Hello Jibs,

Our team is currently aware of the issue and we are working to fix this. I can help to manually start a trial for you. Can you kindly submit a support ticket at https://support.gitlab.com/hc/en-us/requests/new so we can record this request?

Please also indicate if this is for a personal account or provide to us the namespace to start the gold trial for.


Thanks, @jerome. Apologies for the delayed response. Shortly after I posted this issue I was able to create a trial by first creating a subscription user over here: https://customers.gitlab.com/customers/sign_in.

Once that was created my trail was activated.